Life 2.0

I have started the next chapter in my life. In widow-speak we call it out 2.0. And it has happened so quickly I can almost believe that Roz has decided to use some cosmic power to make it happen. Two weeks ago I had barely communicated with Rachel Grace. This morning we were looking at potential houses on Rightmove for when we move in together in 2021. Sometimes life comes at you fast! :) After the first anniversary of Roz's death I suddenly had a strong desire to stop moping and get on with my life. And I realised that, because of who I am, that meant finding someone to share my life with. The feeling was so strong I do now wonder if it wasn't Roz telling me to do it. I can hear her voice saying "Ok that's enough now. You've missed me long enough. I have found this amazing person for you and she needs you. She needs the strength, support and love you provided to me. She's a geek like you. She loves videogames and sci-fi and fantasy - in all it's mediums. S...