Thank God for my cats

These are my boys. Dexter and Pixel. During Roz's final days and after her death they kept me going. Pixel would always greet me when I got home with his usual "Where the f**k have you been!?" yells. The longer I'd been away the more indignant the complaints. Dexter would soon follow behind with his little excited trills. With them there, my house was never truly empty. It was still a home. Still a place of warmth and love even if it wasn't the wonderful joyful place it had been before. Roz and I have always had cats. When Roz and I first met she was living with her mother having not long returned from a couple of years in the United States. Even then she had a two year old half persian/half siamese cat called Mort. When we finally bought a house and could have pets Mort came with us. He was soon joined by a feisty little tortoise shell called Fraidy (very poorly named as we soon came to find out!). Being in the house for 14 years meant we cycled through a few ...